Case Study


The objective of this project was to assist the client in re-establishing their brand identity within the US market. Caffenu enlisted our services to undertake a comprehensive rebranding exercise for 15 listings, in addition to developing a storefront and brand story module. The project involved a strategic overhaul of their US content to align it more closely with their established UK presence. It was crucial to strike a delicate balance during this process, leveraging Caffenu's well-developed UK brand equity while avoiding any potential alienation of their existing US customer base.

Amazon Content

3D Rendering

The initial phase of the project involved formulating a comprehensive strategy aimed at optimizing the impact of new branding assets. It was noted that Caffenu had been employing two distinct branding languages across their listings, one for the UK market and another for the US market. While the UK branding had been relatively well-established and had yielded positive results in terms of conversion rates, the US branding remained comparatively disparate. The proposed solution entailed aligning the US listings with the established UK branding style, while ensuring that the loyal US customer base was not alienated in the process. The ultimate objective was to establish a cohesive brand identity with clear differentiation between the two markets.

Prior to commencing the asset creation phase, we undertook the critical step of producing wireframe designs for all the listings, adopting a holistic approach to content creation. This wireframing stage enabled us to collaborate closely with Caffenu's founders to finalize all messaging and creative direction, prior to embarking on the time-intensive process of producing the assets.

The project deliverables comprised a full suite of main images and A+ content for all 15 of their US listings. We also provided a full storefront, brand story modules and a refreshed brand guidelines document for their new US branding.