Case Study

Vita Burst

We worked on a branding project for a new business launching a range of three vitamin gummy products. Our team completely developed this brand from scratch. We created captivating labels optimized for high click-through rates (CTRs), photorealistic renderings, logo & packaging design, Amazon imagery, and premium A+ content. The team worked closely with the client, conducting market research and aligning with their brand values. The final designs portrayed trust and credibility, positioning the brand for success in the competitive vitamin gummy market. Our team is proud of our contributions and looks forward to the brand's growth and success.


Amazon Content

Packaging Design

3D Rendering

To complete the branding work, our team followed a systematic process. We began by conducting thorough market research, studying the target audience, competitors, and industry trends. This research guided our creative decisions and ensured that our designs would resonate with the intended consumers. Next, we collaborated closely with the client, engaging in frequent communication and feedback sessions. This allowed us to understand their vision and incorporate their preferences into our designs. We maintained a strong emphasis on aligning our work with the client's brand values and goals throughout the entire process.

With a clear understanding of the target audience and client's expectations, we proceeded to design eye-catching labels that optimized click-through rates. We carefully selected colors, typography, and imagery to create labels that would stand out both on store shelves and online platforms. Simultaneously, our team focused on developing high-quality photorealistic renderings of the vitamin gummy products. This involved meticulous attention to detail, creating visually appealing representations that showcased the premium quality of the brand.

We then turned our attention to crafting engaging main imagery for Amazon. By strategically selecting key visuals and product shots, we aimed to capture the attention of potential buyers and drive conversions.

Lastly, we developed premium A+ content, utilizing captivating visuals and persuasive copywriting to provide an immersive shopping experience. This content informed potential customers about the product's benefits and the brand's story, further enhancing their engagement and trust. Throughout the process, we maintained open lines of communication with the client, sharing our progress and seeking their feedback at every stage. This iterative approach ensured that the final designs met and exceeded their expectations.